Ard Scoil na nDéise



ICDL at Ard Scoil na nDéise

Recognising the need for our students to have a computer qualification, we introduced the ICDL for our Transition year students over 10 years ago. For those not familiar with it, the ICDL stands for the “International Computer Driving Licence”. It consists of 7 examinations, one in each of 7 different computer modules. A person passing all 7 exams receives their computer driving licence. This is an internationally accepted computer qualification and is now required by the civil service, banks and some university courses and businesses.

Ard Scoil na nDéise can offer the ICDL to our students at a very reasonable cost. Transition Year is the ideal time in which to do this course. The cost covers the skills card, unlimited examinations and unlimited practice tests for all modules and access to online tutorials for all modules run by ICDL Ireland. This is tremendous value compared with the normal cost and we recommend it to all our Transition Year students.

We are offering the programme in the belief that it is to the benefit of our students and will better prepare them for life after school. This is a great opportunity for students to achieve an internationally recognised qualification in computer literacy.

Transition year students have two timetabled periods of computers each week during in which students acquire a range of computer skills that will complement ICDL preparation.

All iCDL preparation will, however, be done at home by students using the ONLINE tutorials. Please note that students will need to spend at least two hours per week, at home, on their own computer (which must have internet access). The module exams will be taken in school under supervision of our accredited ICDL coordinator.

Convent Road,
Co. Waterford,
X35 RR90

058 41464

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2025 Ard Scoil na nDéise