Ard Scoil na nDéise

Parents' Council

Here in Ard Scoil na nDéise, we have an active and engaged Parents' Council who work tirelessly for the benefit of our students and our school. They are an integral part of our school community. Meetings are held a number of times each term. The AGM is traditionally held at the start of the school year and all parents are invited to attend. We actively encourage parents to become involved as the Parents' Council provides a sociable and practical way of getting involved in the life of the school and it is a great way to meet other parents.

In addition, the Parents' Council

  • promotes and fosters cooperation between home and school
  • acts in an advisory and consultative capacity in relation to the school
  • promotes the education and welfare of the pupils
  • helps during public school events e.g. Careers Evening, Open Night, Graduation Nights etc
  • provides financial assistance when required e.g. to add to and replace sports and musical equipment, to update I.T. facilities and to sponsor various school events.

The members of the Parents’ Council are invaluable to us in the Ard Scoil. Their work is done at all times with the help of and in consultation with the Principal and Deputy Principal of the school. They certainly do their utmost to ensure that this school is constantly improving for our students. Their enthusiasm and positive “can do” attitude is a fantastic support to the teachers, the Board of Management and Principal.

Convent Road,
Co. Waterford,
X35 RR90

058 41464

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2025 Ard Scoil na nDéise