Ard Scoil na nDéise

Board of Management

The Board of Management consists of four Trustee nominees, two parent nominees and two teacher nominees. Since the 1998 Education Act became law, the Board of Management is a legal entity with legal responsibilities and obligations. As the Board is a corporate body, parent and teacher nominees to the Board of Management do not act in a representational capacity. The parent nominees must be parents/guardians of students who are presently enrolled in the school. Board members must be prepared to attend ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Board (approximately once a month), attend pre-service and in-service courses, take a full part in the important work of the Board and maintain strict confidentiality.

The Secretary to the Board of Management is the School Principal, who deals with all Board correspondence. All items of correspondence for the attention of the Board of Management must be addressed to the Secretary to the Board of Management in advance of the next scheduled meeting of the Board.

Elections for the Board of Management take place every three years. The current Board of Management took office in October 2023.
Current members of the Board are:

Trustee Nominees:

Mr. Ciaran Cooke (Chairperson)
Ms. Sara Dolan
Ms. Gretta Whelan
Sr. Bernie Power

Parent Nominees:

Mr. Séamus Kiersey

Ms. Hilda Fitzgerald

Teacher Nominees:

Ms. Julianne Foley
Ms. Sinéad Hehir

Principal's Annual Reports

Agreed Reports
Convent Road,
Co. Waterford,
X35 RR90

058 41464

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2025 Ard Scoil na nDéise