Ard Scoil na nDéise

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Each base class in the school has a Class Tutor, who takes special care of the class and each year group has a Year Head. The Year Heads and Tutors work together to ensure that the pupil's general welfare is not overlooked, and the School Counsellor is available to help when necessary.

Year groups have outings and celebrations from time to time. The Deputy Principal has overall responsibility for Junior students, and the Principal attends to the Senior students.

Internet Safety Information Talk


On Tuesday, January 22nd, Forensic Psychologist Dr. Maureen Griffin paid a visit to the Ard Scoil to speak to us about Cyber Bullying and the importance of Internet safety.

Using PowerPoint she taught us how to keep unwanted guests from “creeping” on our Face book pages and the importance of not adding shops or roads too freely.....since , as we all should know, shops and roads cannot come to life and create Face book accounts, as Dr. Griffin pointed out .She illustrated this point with some anecdotes and, after hearing a few horror stories and disturbing facts about internet anonymity, the majority of us went home that evening and spent hours deleting “friends” and double checking our security settings!

Thanks to Dr. Maureen Griffin for a very entertaining and informative hour and for teaching us that having fewer than 100 friends on Face book doesn’t make you a “loner”!

Dr. Griffin also spoke to parents and staff on this very important topic. She held her audience spellbound and gave some very good advice.

Convent Road,
Co. Waterford,
X35 RR90

058 41464

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2025 Ard Scoil na nDéise